UkeXtra @ Internationales Ukulelenfestival Mannheim

Begonnen von UkeXtra, 11. Nov 2013, 19:15:50

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (1 Antworten, 1.253 Aufrufe)



so sorry my german is really bad so I\'ll use english
I\'m Adrien Janiak from the band UkeXtra.
I\'m really glad to announce that UkeXtra will perform at the Internationales Ukulelenfestival Mannheim on November 23rd
It will be the last show of our fall tour.
Come down and join us for this night of love, live, ride and Ukulele



Facebook Tour event

Floyd Blue

Salut Adrien,

my French is still any better than half a year ago, so I answer in English.

I\'m looking forward to seeing you and Cyril perform in Mannheim. It makes waiting for the next FIUL less hard this time.

BTW There\'s already a festival thread: