4 Okt. Ukulele Jamboree in Rotterdam Holland!

Begonnen von Shelley, 29. Sep 2008, 14:39:49

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Hi Everyone,
My name is Shelley and i\'m one half of the Ukulele Duet, \"The Uke Box\".
We\'ve started a monthly Ukulele Jamboree here in Rotterdam. The next one will be this coming saturday and we\'d absolutely love to see a delegation from Germany participating in these events. The night consists of a workshop, performances & open mic and/or a jamsession. This next Jamboree is going to be extra special:

We have Miss Shelley O\'Brien (www.myspace.com/shelleyobrien), an absolutely lovely singer, songwriter & player of the ukulele all the way from Vancouver, Canada. And, Ukulelezaza (www.myspace.com/ukulelezaza) from Gent, Belgium. One of the best ukulele guys around. Has a mean right hand and is a master of traditional ukulele styles. Remco will also be sharing some of his secrets with us during the \"Ukulele Intervention\" (A Ukulele Workshop for Beginners) at 20:30. Performances start at 22hrs. This event takes place in Cafe de Bel on the Gerard Scholtenstraat 61B, 3035 SE Rotterdam. So come on over...we\'d love to meet you! And if you have a long drive and need a place to crash....bring your airmattress and you\'re welcome to crash at my place. But please let me know ahead of time!


Mike? Wann holen wir Henk in Schwerte ab? :D


Das hört sich doch gut an!
Mike? Hast Du noch einen Platz in Deinem Auto frei? ;)


[size=8]edit: Ahja! Mel hat schon verstanden, wo der Hase läuft!
edit²: Oh. \"Huren\" heißt nicht das, was ich dachte. Sondern \"mieten\" ... wer hätte das gedacht...


hmmmm...i\'m thinking that \'ukulele huren\' means something completely different in
german than it does in dutch!


Yes, indeed. \"Huren\" is used pejoratively to say \"prostitutes\"...


ukulele hookers! cool....that should draw a good crowd!


Zitat von: Shelleyukulele hookers! cool....that should draw a good crowd!

especially for that price  :lol:

But...Cafe de Bel is a cool place - the Monkey and I will bother Mike to take us and join you there. Hope it works ;)


Mike von D

Zitat von: Melina83
Zitat von: Shelleyukulele hookers! cool....that should draw a good crowd!

especially for that price  :lol:

But...Cafe de Bel is a cool place - the Monkey and I will bother Mike to take us and join you there. Hope it works ;)

Cant work because I have to work, sorry no chance!



Lust hätte ich wohl auch. Wenn ich mit jemandem mitfahren könnte, wär ich dabei.



Couldn\'t follow those last two posts but it\'s
ashame you can\'t come Michael. Unless, of coarse,
you quit your job?!  :lol:


Aloha, Shelley! I\'d like to come, and so would Melina and Hänk. We just don\'t know how.

@Melina: Du hast nicht zufällig Lust, selber zu fahren? Ein Auto hast du doch, oder?


Hi Kane Ipu,
I hope you can figure it out. It\'s going to be a great show
and we\'d love to have you!


Zitat von: ShelleyWe\'ve started a monthly Ukulele Jamboree here in Rotterdam.

Does that mean that it really takes place regularly? (ok I suppose this is special with Ukulelezaza etc.)

Und ja ich habe ein (kleines) Auto. Prinzipiell auch fahrtauglich, aber ich muss was an den Bremsen machen lassen und die Karre muss zum TÜV, also sagen wir es so: national hab ich kein Problem irgendwo hin zu cruisen weil die gelben Engel ja nicht weit sind, aber ich bin kein Premium Mitglied und hab auch wenig Lust mitten in Holland stehen zu bleiben. Die Bremsen sind ja auch nicht gerade unwichtig, also würd ich eher ungern selber fahren - zumindest bis das gemacht ist. Also wenn das echt regelmäßig stattfindet hätte ich kein Problem beim nächsten Mal zu fahren.