James Hill Teacher Certification program for Ukulele

Begonnen von Spottdrossel, 26. Jan 2010, 02:17:30

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[z. K.] Ich kenne gar nichts James Hill, aber ich habe seine Verteilerliste (E-Mail) abonniert.   Er hat jetzt etwas Neues unterwegs:   James Hill Teacher Certification program for Ukulele.



Hi Peter,

I thought you might like to know about the latest project of the James Hill Ukulele Initiative: a comprehensive, ground-breaking Teacher Certification program.

The positive impact of music education on students of all ages has been well documented and in my view the need for high-quality teacher training in music has never been greater.  To that end, we\'re offering a certification program that gives interested teachers and individuals an opportunity to expand and hone their music teaching skills through the James Hill Ukulele Method (at the core of which is Ukulele in the Classroom method book series).

Becoming certified in the James Hill Ukulele Method is a way for classroom teachers, music specialists, volunteers and private instructors to help revitalize and enrich music programs in our schools and communities.  It\'s also a way to provide tangible evidence (to employers and students, for example) of an ability to teach music literacy through the ukulele.

To learn more about the certification process, please visit:


If you\'re interested in becoming a certified Teacher in the James Hill Ukulele Method, please take a moment to complete this 5-question survey that will help us to determine the best location for our 2010 Summer Institute:


Thank you and best wishes,


p.s. Please feel free to forward this message to a friend or colleague who might be interested.  Thank you.


Hmm, sieht bestimmt gut aus, so ein James Hill Zertifikat im Rahmen. Aber der Schedule ist doch etwas low level. 1. Jahr: Wir lernen C-Dur und F-Dur :D. Immerhin kostet es nur $CAD549 = 370€. Aber der Flug nach Canada, Übernachtung etc... Wäre schon cool, vom Meister Unterricht zu bekommen. 8)

Floyd Blue

Äh, Michael, ich glaube verstanden zu haben, dass das die Voraussetzungen sind, die man mitbringen soll...


Oh, stimmt, das sind ja alles Prerequisites. :oops: Aber was man lernt, steht nirgends...


Ich denke mal, du wirst das lernen, was seine dreibändige Schule beinhaltet. Was sonst?