James Hill live in Studio H - CBC Konzert

Begonnen von mandoisland, 02. Jun 2010, 16:18:29

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (7 Antworten, 2.606 Aufrufe)


ZitatAccording to James Hill we\'re in the midst of a revolution, albeit a small one. The ukulele, embraced by mainstream media from Oprah to American Idol, has returned from pop culture exile to become a tonic for modern malaise the world over. It\'s a beautiful thing. And since the release of 'Playing Like It Isn't' in 2002, he's made it his mission to convince skeptics of the beauty, versatility and appeal of this chronically underestimated instrument. And has it worked? The Honolulu Star-Bulletin calls James a "rare peer" of Hawaii's premier ukulele players.  Stuart MacLean (Vinyl Café) calls him "the Wayne Gretzky of the ukulele."

Wanting to find out what all the fuss was about we invited James Hill into our rooftop Studio H in Halifax for concert featuring his small but mighty collection of hand built ukuleles. We weren't disappointed.



Thanks for the CBC link.  Just finished listening to it all.   Great stuff!

Für die Mitglieder von Klub....   CBC bedeutet \"Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.\"   Das ist Canada\'s public broadcaster (Fernsehen und Radio).   Wie die BBC aber CBC ist aus Kanada.

Stuart MacLean is the host of a weekly radio show called \"Vinyl Café.\"  He travels around to different cities and small towns across Canada and they do storytelling and music in local halls.  They make jokes about the local towns. They record the performances.  
I don\'t mind him, but he has a drawl (accent) like an old-time preacher.

Meine einzige Bemerkung....   auf Englisch sagt man \"Hill should LOSE the beard.\"    Nur Goschi soll einen Bart haben!!!  hehehe    :P



Zitat von: SpottdrosselNur Goschi soll einen Bart haben!!!  hehehe    :P

Goschi\'s neuer Avatar: Bartlos !


Zitat von: vinakaGoschi\'s neuer Avatar: Bartlos !
Urkomisch!  hehe   :P



Inzwischen gibt es einen Podcast von diesem Konzert mit James Hill, den kann man herunterladen oder mit itunes holen:

Canada Live Podcast

Floyd Blue

Hey mandoisland, danke für den Link!

Da scheinen noch ein paar andere interessante Podcast dabei zu sein, z. B. Martha Wainwright, Harry Manx...



Those groups are the ones the most played on CBC radio in Canada.  Most aren\'t known in the USA.
