Die Qual der Wahl - Ich brauch ein Banjo!

Begonnen von HvA, 14. Sep 2011, 05:04:33

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (16 Antworten, 8.184 Aufrufe)

Max von Zimmer

Hallo Ronny,
hast Du die beiden tiefen Saiten schon ausgetauscht? Welche Stärken muss man da nehmen?
Viele Grüße

Der Ronny

Hallo Max!

Habe die Seiten noch nicht getauscht.

Ich mag den tieferen Sound irgendwie.

Im amerikanischen Banjo-Forum gab es mal folgenden Hinweis dazu (habe den Link leider nicht zur Hand, deswegen kopier ich den Text mal hier rein):

Tenor uke on a tenor banjo -- suggested gauges for metal strings (high to low):
23\" scale -- A: .009 E: .011 C: .014 G: .020 wound or .010 plain for re-entrant tuning.

20-21\" scale -- A: .0105 (or .010) E: .012 C: .015 G: .022 wound or .011 plain for recumbent tuning.
Tenor and concert ukes are tuned the same -- many also tune sopranos to the same pitch (I prefer my sopranos tuned at least a whole step higher). High to low: A E C G or g.

You can certainly tune a tenor banjo to a tenor uke but you will need to customize your string set to do it. The 1st string A is the same. The 2nd string is E -- your D string can take it. The 3rd C is a minor third above the A -- go with a lighter string. There are two standard pitches for the tenor uke fourth string: G below the C or the octave G (this is known as \"recumbent\" or \"re-entrant\" tuning).

Tenor uke on a tenor banjo -- suggested gauges for metal strings (high to low):
23\" scale -- A: .009 E: .011 C: .014 G: .020 wound or .010 plain for re-entrant tuning.
20-21\" scale -- A: .0105 (or .010) E: .012 C: .015 G: .022 wound or .011 plain for recumbent tuning.


Schäl Sick Uke