Die Galerie zieht um

Begonnen von H a n s, 17. Feb 2010, 16:01:21

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (12 Antworten, 3.278 Aufrufe)

H a n s

nee, nicht woanders hin, sondern auf einen neuen Server.

der alte ist schon so betagt, dass er irgendwann wohl den Geist aufgibt.

Es kann sein, dass die Galerie für einige Zeit nicht erreichbar ist

Lebe Deine Träume, als ein Leben lang nur zu träumen !!


wieder einmal Danke an Hans für die viele Arbeit ! :)

Floyd Blue


Danke, Hans !
Was wären wir ohne dich ?


Vielen Dank, Hans auch im Namen der Nichtukulelenclubmitglieder!




Vielen Dank, Merci, Mucos Gracias Senor Hans!!!

doctor dick

Yes, thank you Hans for the good work that you do !


Good work!  Go Hans go!!!



Hallo Hans!

I\'ve just looked over the main ENGLISH page for the club. It\'s a place I\'ve rarely frequented.

The English text in the page is in definite need of some correcting and polishing.  Would you like me to me to do that for you?

Just buy me a beer when I get to Germany and we\'ll be even! ;-)  hehe   As a matter of fact, if I get to Germany and every member of this club buys me a beer, I will end up in a real \"bière\"  (Sarg) as they say in old French!  hehehe  


PS:  I liked those German chips that I munched in Frankfurt called \"Paprika\" which means \"BBQ\" over here.   Of course \"Paprika\" translated from German means \"red pepper\" but paprika in English is a spice.  I was confused by that when I bought them out of the machine in the hotel in Frankfurt!  hehe    I bought two bags of chips for munching while the ever excellent bartender Herr Rose kept me supplied with an excellent lager beer.


Danke Hans, dass du dir die Arbeit machst.


Ok, here\'a a much better translation.   You can use it if you like, but I would recommend using it because the other one would not encourage a English speaker to join.   You can keep \"Nice People\" instead of \"All Fun-Loving Friends of the Ukulele!\" BUT \"nice people\" sounds weird to English ears.

Gotta run...  



All Fun-Loving Friends of the Ukulele!

There\'s an old saying that \"the devil finds work for idle hands\" but not when those hands are always playing the ukulele!  Without a doubt, all ukulele players are fun-loving and extremely nice people who like to share their passion for the instrument with others.

Now you can meet like-minded ukulele players worldwide on the internet without having to even leave your own home.

This is the 1st German Ukulele club that was founded on July 20, 2005.  Everyone is welcome and heartily encouraged to join up!

While German is the main language used on the forum, most of the members are able to speak and get by in English.  Feel free to write in English.

Is there a prescription for a ukulele addiction?
Just ask Dr. Dick and Prof. Peter who composed our club\'s anthem!

Here are the lyrics to the club\'s anthem.  You can also listen to it at your own risk.  ;-)

Do you love the ukulele as much as we do? Why not join the club?  It doesn\'t cost a dime!  It\'s free!

Honorary Member Roster of the 1st German Ukulele Club:

*  Bosko & Honey (from Australia) have been honorary members since August 23, 2008.  This virtuosic ukulele duo are fascinating performers with a great sense of humour and they put on a really great show.  You can see here that they have autographed the cover of the club\'s second CD to become a club member.

*  James Hill (from Canada) has been the first honorary member of the club since June 4, 2006.  This Canadian is considered the fastest and the world\'s best ukulele player.  You can see here that he autographed the cover of the club\'s first CD to become a club member.

You can find more information and options in the German section of the site.
