Neues von Bosko und Honey

Begonnen von Uketeufel, 24. Dez 2008, 13:48:52

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (37 Antworten, 47.531 Aufrufe)


Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

This is just a quick update to let everyone know we have recorded a new CD of original songs.

It is called PRETTY PLEASE and we\'re quite proud of it!

It will be released soon but you can pre-order now and it will cost AUD$15 INCLUDING postage.

Please listen to samples from all 8 tracks here:

Follow this link to our website for more info and to pre-order... Pretty Please...?

Much Love,
Bosko & Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Hello everyone,

This is a short newsletter to let you all know we are now on our PRETTY PLEASE TOUR of the east coast of Australia.
We will be performing and giving workshops all the way to Melbourne for the next 6 weeks or more.
Full details of our schedule can be found here:

We will also be promoting our new CD PRETTY PLEASE, which is now available for purchase via our website:

If you pre-ordered this CD, you can expect it in the mail some time soon as we sent them all out yesterday!

As an introductory offer, if you order PRETTY PLEASE by the end of September we will mail it to you anywhere in the world for AUD$16.

Next stop on our tour is Brisbane, where we\'ll be performing as part of the Brisbane Big Uke Jam (BBBUJ).
Details are on the Brisbane Ukulele Musicians\' Society (BUMS) website:

Thank you for your interest and support!

Much Love,
Bosko & Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Happy New Year from Bosko & Honey!

We hope 2012 is off to a good start for you - there are only 51 weeks left until 2013!

Firstly, here is a video of how we spent our New Years Eve:

This newsletter is to let you know what we\'ve got planned for 2012 so far.
Initially we were planning to tour the USA, but we decided to wait a little longer due to lack of finances. Maybe next year.
It\'s a shame but it also allows us to do more in Australia.

Here\'s the plan so far:

FEB 3/4 - The Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival, NSW We\'re really looking forward to returning to the Blue Mountains, and the festival is looking great. Here\'s a link to the festival facebook page with information about the performers and workshops:

MARCH 7 -  The Vanguard, Sydney, supporting BENNY CHONG.
We are over the moon to be supporting the legendary jazz ukulele player Benny Chong from Hawaii. And the Vanguard in Newtown is such a great venue - we were lucky enough to play there as part of the Melbourne Ukulele Festival Showcase Tour last year. This event is hosted by Cameron Murray of Kamuke Ukulele Magazine.
If you are in Sydney, don\'t miss the chance to see this genuine world-class musician.
Here is the facebook event listing:
You can buy tickets from the venue here:

MARCH 8-11 - The Melbourne Ukulele Festival We\'ll be back! This year the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain are playing at the Arts Centre, with the rest of the festival at the one venue - The Trades Hall, which is really great news. Wonderful to have everything happening in one central place.
Visit MUF for all the info:

MARCH 12-25 - Heading North Tour, with B&H and U.K.E from France For 2 weeks we\'ll be travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane by train, on tour with U.K.E from Paris, an amazing duo comprising of Lionel (the K.) Hubert on ukes and loops and Antoine (Josh) Ladoué on tablas and other percussion. Now that\'s gonna be fun!
You can see U.K.E\'s website here:
You can see videos and other great stuff from the K here:
SO, if you are somewhere between Melbourne and Brisbane and you or your uke club would like to host a concert and workshops with Bosko & Honey and U.K.E, please contact us!

Well that\'s enough to keep us busy for now, but we\'ve also applied to perform at this years Cairns Ukulele Festival.
It\'s not too late to do so yourself, and performers can apply online via the festival website:

Wishing you all the best!
Peace and Love,

Bosko & Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Hi! Bosko & Honey here, just letting you know what\'s just been and what\'s coming up.

First, some links....

The first of a series of remixes of our song \"Tuck Me In\" from the U.K. by Brighton-based DJ Jake Harrison, aka AntiBalance:

Bosko & Honey rehearsing a new song on their webcam the day before performing it for the first time:

Our CD \"Pretty Please\" is now available as a digital download from CD Baby:
Please buy it, review it or recommend it to your friends!

We\'re in the latest digital issue of Rolling Coconuts Magazine from Japan.
We\'ve got a 16-page spread about our CD \"Pretty Please\", which Tsuwano-san of RC Magazine liked very much! You won\'t be able to buy a copy of the digital mag unless you read Japanese, but here\'s where you can find the links if you do:

Lastly, an interview with B&H in our local paper:

Just been...

We\'ve now officially recovered from an incredible 2 days at The Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival in beautiful Katoomba NSW. Cute town, classy venues, great music and terrific people. Kudos to Steve and all the BlueMUGS for continuing to organise such a wonderful event and for having us!
We flew down on the Friday, gave 2 workshops and 2 performances and flew home on Sunday!
Here is the festival facebook page:

Coming up...

On the 7th of March we fly to Sydney again for a special show at The Vanguard in Newtown supporting the one and only Benny Chong - one of the most respected and influential jazz players in the world.
Hosted by Cameron Murray of KAMUKE ukulele magazine, this is a show not to be missed!
Tickets are available here:

On the 8th of March we\'re off to Melbourne to attend and perform at the Melbourne Ukulele Festival (MUF) alongside a fabulous array of local and international performers and ukulele groups.
Notable overseas performers include The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Ralph Shaw all the way from Canada and Lionel and Antoine of the progressive duo U.K.E from Paris.
Our show is on the Saturday night, March 10th at the Trades Hall in Lygon St Carlton, but check out the MUF site for all the details... we cant wait!

After the MUF we\'re off on tour with Lionel and Antoine of U.K.E by train
(primarily) from Melbourne to Brisbane.
We\'ve called the tour \"Off The Rails\" and will be performing, visiting schools and giving workshops.
Some confirmed dates are:
March 15th - Performance for a primary school in Newtown, Sydney, NSW March 15th - Workshops with UKE-EAST, Sydney NSW March 18th - Workshops and performance, Taree, NSW March 20th - Workshop, Lismore NSW March 21st - Performance Bangalow or Mullumbimby, NSW March 22nd - Performance, Room 60, Brisbane, QLD March 24th - Workshops and Performance for SCUM, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast, QLD We\'re still working on getting more gigs - it\'s a busy month in the Australian ukulele world with Ralph Shaw and The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain touring in March as well :) Here\'s the tour

That\'s all for now!
Hope you\'re well and grooving!

Love & Peace,
Bosko & Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.
Hello friends!

Here is some news and some links you might be interested in...

A new music video we just made using live footage from our \"Pretty Please Tour\" last year...
\"Tuck Me In\"

Our album \"Pretty Please\" is now available online as a download...
on iTunes
and CD Baby

This year we\'ll be opening an online store specialising in only the best quality Japanese ukuleles and accessories, shipped to you direct from Japan.
It\'s been a long process and we\'re still working on it, but we expect the website to go live within a few months.
In the meantime you can \"Like\" the store facebook page where we\'ll let you know how things are progressing...

We\'re getting ready to go to Sydney for a gig with Cameron Murray of Australia\'s \"Kamuke\" Ukulele Magazine... supporting the legendary BENNY CHONG!
The latest exciting news is he\'ll be joined by Australian jazz guru Craig Scott on double bass...

After that it\'s off to Melbourne for the 3rd Melbourne Ukulele Festival!
Some great acts this year including the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, Ralph Shaw, AJ Leonard, U.K.E., Tyrone and many, many more.
We\'re playing on the Saturday night...

Then... we embark on a tour we organised for U.K.E from France, a fabulous progressive uke/percussion duo led by Lionel \"the K\" Hubert.
Here\'s where we\'re going (by train from Melbourne to Brisbane)...
There\'s still a couple of gaps in our schedule, so if you\'d like to host a house concert or something in Sydney, central NSW or southern QLD on short notice, give us a shout!

In other news, if you\'re coming to this year\'s Cairns Ukulele Festival there\'s a fantastic BUILD YOUR OWN UKE course being run again by local luthier Allen McFarlen with Micheal Connor from NSW.
It\'s been sold-out 2 years running, so take a look at Allen\'s website for more info (tell him B&H sent you!)...

Also, our friend Pat from Western Australia is organising a Ukulele Retreat with the one and only KIMO HUSSEY from Hawaii.
It\'s an all-inclusive 3-day affair in Albany, and the wonderful Margaret River luthier and musician Scott Wise will be there too.
More details via Ukulele Perth...

Upon returning home to Kuranda in late March we\'re gonna start editing the Ukulele Safari Oz videos again! Apologies to all who have been patiently waiting, but we\'ve been under a bit of financial pressure for a while, so it\'s been hard to set aside the time to edit.
Things are looking up, so you can expect a return to YouTube form soon!

That\'s all for now, and apologies to our non-Australian subscribers for the Oz-centric news!


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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Hello everyone!
It\'s been a while since our last newsletter, so we thought we\'d let you know what\'s been happening...

First up, a couple of video links:

Here\'s a new music video featuring the fabulous AJ Leonard (Melbourne) and SETO (Japan) in a one-off art-band project called AJ\'s ASYLUM.
The song was written, performed live, recorded, shot and edited within 3 days and it\'s called \"Another Day In Paradise\"...
Pump up the volume!

Here\'s a complete half-hour performance by Bosko & Honey at the fabulous Blue Mountains Ukulele Festival earlier this year.
Thanks to Ray Gurney for the footage!

In other news, we\'ve been pretty busy performing recently, and you can always see what we\'ve been up to and what\'s coming up here on our website:
Notably we made our comedy debut recently at the Sit Down Comedy Club in Cairns as well as our \"roots\" debut at the Kuranda Roots Festival.
We\'ve also been hosting house concerts under our home in Kuranda in association Arthouse Cairns.
These concerts are called \"Underhouse Kuranda\", and the last one attracted over 50 lovely people who were treated to Japanese food and 8 acts from around the country.
We also played at this year\'s Cairns Ukulele Festival and hosted our second post-fest \"Ukulele BBQ\" at the beautiful Kuranda Amphitheatre which nestles in the rainforest up here.

One of the upcoming gigs we\'re very excited about is we\'ve been booked on the main stage for the Cairns Festival \"Carnival on Collins\" on the 2nd of September.
It\'s a day that attracts up to 40,000 people so it will definitely be our biggest audience yet!
Here\'s a link to the Cairns Festival website:

For those of you who use facebook, it\'s still the best way to be updated on B&H activities...
However due to changes in the way facebook operates, you may not be seeing us in your feed.
If you want to see our more of our updates, just click/hover over the \'Liked\' button (beneath the cover photo, to the right) and activate the \'show in news feed\' option. This will allow you to see all of our posts.
Here is our facebook Page:

A reminder also that our latest album \"Pretty Please\" is available as a physical CD from our website:
Also as a download on iTunes:
And CD Baby:

That\'s it for now!

Hope you\'re well!
All the best and Peace and Love...
Bosko & Honey

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Happy New Year from Bosko & Honey!

Here\'s a link to our annual NYE Ukulele Love-In... it\'s a new song called \"Let\'s Get Naked\"!
We hope you enjoy it!

Here are a few more video links you may have missed...

A few songs from our show at the fantastic inaugural Newcastle \"Newkulele\"

\"Also Sprach Zarathustra\" (the 2001, A Space Odyssey Theme) - featuring Honey as a monkey

\"Sunbird\" - featuring the most incredible crowd-participation we\'ve experienced yet!

\"Brown Town\" - a new original featuring Benhur on backup vocals

You can also watch the whole show as a playlist here

2012 was a pretty full year for us with lots of music locally and around the country.
We\'re looking forward to some more travel in 2013 as well as more local events, including the \"Underhouse\" series of house concerts we\'ve been hosting here in Kuranda.

Here\'s what\'s coming up so far...

Jan 25 - Feb 24
\"Viva La Uke\" New Zealand Summer Tour 2013 with The Nukes.
We\'re really excited to be touring with The Nukes, the fabulous ukulele and vocal trio from Auckland who we met at last year\'s Melbourne Ukulele Festival.
The 8-gig concert and workshop tour will be crisscrossing the North Island, and it will be our first time playing there.... we can\'t wait!
All the tour details are on The Nukes website

March 1 - 3
The Melbourne Ukulele Festival (MUF)
Yes, we\'re playing MUF once more and this time we\'re looking forward to meeting Benny Chong and James Hill and Ann Davison again and can\'t wait to meet the Big Muffin Serious Band... long-time heros of ours from NZ.
It\'s gonna be a ripper!
All the info is here on the MUF website

March 20
Underhouse #4
We\'l be hosting another house concert in Kuranda, this time featuring the legendary slide and experimental performer Mike Cooper from the UK who is based in Rome and the as-yet underexposed \"Polymantra\" from Cairns. We met this drums/guitar/samples/vocals duo last year at Arthouse Cairns and they blew  our minds with their slightly weird and very danceable grooves.

You can keep up with more News by following us on facebook or checking our Gigs page

Increasingly we get the feeling we\'re living in the future, with the technologies of our life resembling the science fiction of our youth more and more every day!
May your 2013 be a happy, altruistic and naked one!

Love and Peace from Bosko & Honey.

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Dear Uketeufel
Here is our latest update.

Hello from Bosko & Honey!

Recently we returned to the fabulous Pegasus Studios in Cairns to record the title track of our upcoming new album, \"The Universe Will Provide\".

It\'ll be released in November and most of the recording will be done over July and August.
It\'s our first full-length album, with at least 12 original songs, and we want to have a really good crack at it!
We\'ve decided to try Crowdfunding for the first time to help make it the best B&H recording to date.

So, you can hear the quality of the recordings in a sample of the title track in this promo video:

And you can have a look at our Crowdfunding Campaign here:

You can simply Pre-Order the digital album or the album on CD, but there are other \"rewards\" too - including \"Tuck Me In!\" T-Shirts and Skype ukulele lessons with Bosko for up to a year...

You can really help us by having a look at the project and sharing it with your friends.

Thank you very much, and as always...
Love and Peace,
Bosko & Honey
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