ezFolk in Gefahr

Begonnen von Uketeufel, 28. Apr 2009, 07:41:57

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema

0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema. (1 Antworten, 13.696 Aufrufe)


Hi Folks,

Wow... what a difference a day makes! You may have received an email from me yesterday (some of you didn\'t receive it because of an overloaded email server). Anyway, it was an announcement that ezFolk would be closing as of the last day of this month. The site had been hacked and files all over the place were generally a mess. Google notified me that they were delisting the ezFolk site because of it, which they have at least partially done, but they said we could be reinstated although it may take a couple months.

I fully expected to just close shop and call it the end of an era, but it looks like we\'ll make it after all. I\'ve received hundreds of emails from users -- so many that I\'ve only been able to read part of them -- but every one I\'ve read has been kind and supportive and has made me want to keep ezFolk going if at all possible.

Our web hosting company -- JBservers.net -- found out that we were about to go belly up and were unbelievably helpful in eliminating all of the damage that was done and did it without charging us anything. They\'re still working on a few final details but everything seems to be working out perfectly.

There is one small change that I should mention: The MediaPro theme will not work with changes made today and anybody who was using the MediaPro theme has been switched to Nova. MediaPro will no longer be available.

Quite a few people have mentioned that they would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for using ezFolk, and I appreciate that, but I would like to keep it open and free for all users if we can do it that way, and I believe we can. If you would like to help the cause, when you are going to purchase anything musical, please consider clicking on the \"Instruments\" link that is at the top of most pages on ezFolk and making your purchases through our affiliate links to Musicians Friend. It doesn\'t cost you anything extra and it would help tremendously if even 10% of our users did that.

Sorry if I caused you any trouble with the premature announcement of our impending doom yesterday. Hopefully we\'ll be around for many years to come. I\'m happy about that, and I hope you are too.

Keep on pickin\',

Richard Hefner
Ich bin ein Prootcher!


Ole Lele

Na ja, ist noch mal gut gegangen:  :)

Zitat von: Richard Hefner @ ezFolkThe ezFolk site got a good going over today. Scripts have been updated and hacks deleted and things are definitely improved from 36 hours ago. I think we\'re here to stay, hopefully for a long time. I\'m deleting the two announcement messages from yesterday so they don\'t cause confusion now and in the future. I do appreciate all of the kind thoughts expressed and thank everyone for their support of the ezFolk site.